LifeQuote.Tech is an original back-end solution that processes requests from insurance websites for life insurance price quotes. It resides on a dedicated Linux server.

Midwest Life Brokerage Associates, a Chicago-area insurance broker, estimates it took them about 20 minutes to prepare an insurance quote manually. The application developed for Midwest by DCMSoft in 2017 did that in less than five seconds.

In 2023, we reduced the time to two seconds.

Development Tools: AWS EC2, CSS, cURL, Google Chart, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, Linux, MySQL, Photoshop, PHP, Plesk, Shell script. APIs:, COMPULIFE Life Quotes API, ConvertAPI, GoHighLevel, Twilio SendGrid,

There are six main PHP applications:

dispreqform.php displays a life insurance quote request form, on which a website visitor may specify information needed to generate a quote, such as birthdate, gender, tobacco use, etc.

The user may also specify their insurance product preferences, such as type of insurance, term length, and as many as three benefit amounts. He or she may select from a menu of insurance carriers or specify no preference for specific carriers. Other options include “longest term length available” and “best rate for each product.”

The form can be displayed on a website with one <script> tag that calls the application over a secure connection. It is used by Midwest and its 200+ affiliate agencies.

Quote request form

req_quote.php receives user input from the quote request form, creates a customer record, and requests insurance quotes via a data provider, COMPULIFE, from multiple life insurance companies, such as John Hancock, Principal, and Transamerica.

After quotes are received, the application sends an email alert to the client and affiliate that includes the customer’s contact information, product selected, benefit amount, and a link to the same quote the customer is viewing. A customer contact record is created in the affiliate’s CRM.

Email alert to insurance agent

proc_quote.php processes the life insurance quote request. It gathers and validates all the information needed and passes it to the data provider’s API using an HTTP POST request. It examines the quote data returned, verifies the carrier and product are enabled by the client, and inserts quote records into a table.

Additional quotes are requested as needed. For example, each quote includes the current premium and what the premium would be if the customer waits one year.

dispquote.php displays two types of life insurance quotes – a list of available products and their prices, or a quote that offers to government employees life insurance from major carriers that is less expensive than their government-issued FEGLI Option B Group Life insurance.

The FEGLI quote displays each age of the customer during the specified term, the FEGLI Option B premium for the displayed age, information on five alternate insurance products with the lowest premiums, and an “APPLY NOW” button for each product. The quote also includes the total of all FEGLI premiums, total premiums of each alternate carrier, total savings between the carrier and FEGLI premium, an “Opportunity Summary” of the results, and an option to see the rates displayed on a graph.

FEGLI quote

The non-FEGLI quote displays for each product the carrier logo, product name, carrier name, carrier’s AM Best rating (if any), premium, payment mode (annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly), total cost to wait one year, “APPLY NOW” button, link to product guide, link to underwriting guide, and a link to remove the product from the quote display.

The display also includes an affiliate or site logo, a summary of the customer information used to create the quotes, a payment mode menu, number of products displayed, link to undo the product removals, and a footer with contact info and disclaimer.

The quote can be re-displayed with premiums paid if the customer waits one, two, or five years. The user can also change their selections (for example, term length or benefit amount) and get an updated quote. They can have the quote saved as a PDF, print the quote, or have the PDF emailed to them along with a link to the quote.

If multiple benefit amounts were submitted, the quote for each amount is accessed by clicking on a tab at the top of the page.

Non-FEGLI quote

Email with PDF and link to quote

appform.php displays and manages the product application form. It displays a blank application form, asks questions, collects and saves responses. It gets information from the customer record to pre-fill some fields. It also displays for the client and affiliate a submitted application form and sends an email alert when an application is received.

Product application form

adm_quote.php is a password-protected administration program that helps with a variety of tasks such as displaying and updating table records, displaying log files, application settings, and testing the API. It helps manage affiliates, carriers, customers, products, quotes, reports, and settings. Text that is likely to change, such as questions on the insurance application form, are kept in an INI file for quick editing without changing the programming.

Administration program

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